Sunday, December 27, 2020

On Being Chronically Ill During a Pandemic

Ooohh you SCARED? Of a little virus that can't even SEE?
Well then, YOU should stay home and let the rest of us normal people live our lives

Ok for how long

For as long as it takes

This is a hard thing you are asking - can you please stay home too. Ending this pandemic is in everybody's best interests

No I am normal and staying home is WAY too hard for me. Mental health is a thing.

So you want increased access to mental health care? 

No. I want to go back to what I like and pretend that fixes mental health in this country

Are you willing to do anything

No. As I said, I am normal. You are not. You have to make sacrifices. I do not. HOW ARE YOU NOT USED TO THAT YET?

Will you wear a mask

That is going too far. Once you give the government the power to tell you to wear a mask you basically live under communism. I am pro freedom. 

Will you stop gathering

No. Did you forget I was pro freedom. And it is not my fault I love my family more than you love yours

My "freedom" ends if I die as a result of your actions

Your life is your problem and not my responsibility. Take some responsibility. Your life is in your hands not mine. Have you heard of hydroxycholoroquine

Young healthy people are dying too

No they aren't. They probably had something wrong with them but didn't know it

So do you have something wrong but don't know it

No. I would know. 

Ok but - hospitals are full. Chronically ill people rely on having working hospitals  - we tend to use them more often.  You can do something about that by not gathering

Hospitals are always full during flu season. This is the flu and the numbers you are seeing are lies made up to scare you. 300k people die from the flu all the time.

Pretty sure they don't

You are being lied to

So you are not willing to do anything

No I am

Really? What?

I will bring you cookies and tell you we miss you and hope that someday you can join the world again

Can they be from Trader Joe's?

Sure. Anything for you
